April 28, 2012

Girl Interrupted

''In the parallel universe the laws of physics are suspended.
What goes up does not necessarily come down, a body at rest does not tend to stay at rest and not every action can be counted on to provoke an equal and opposite reaction.
Time, too, is different. It may run in circles, flow backwards, skip about from now to then, The very arrangement of molecules is fluid: Tables can be clocks, faces, flowers''Susanna Kaysen

Girl Interrupted(1999) is an adaptation of Susanna Kaysen's memoir .About a girl staying at a mental institution for 18 months in 60s.Movie is amazing also the cast;angelina(won an academy award for her role), winona and of course Brittany she was so talented.If you haven't seen it yet i strongly suggest.
An interesting note is about the hospital which Susanna Kaysen had stayed :Mclean Hospital is known for some number of famous people including Ray Charles,John Nash,Sylvia Plath(my favourite poet).

Girl Interrupted filmi(1999),Susanna Kaysen in  60 lı yıllarda; gençken yaşadığı bunalım nedeniyle Mclean Kliniğinde geçirdiği 18 ayı anlatıyor.Bu kliniğinde ilginç yanı benzer psikolojik problemler yaşayan ünlülerin tedavi gördüğü yer olması ki bu kişiler arasında ünlü matematikçi John Nash,Ray Charles ve benim en sevdiğim kadın şair ve kısa öykü yazarı Sylvia Plath te var.Film çok çarpıcı Angelina jolie nin en iyi performansı zaten oscar kazanmış bu roluyle.Winona nın tarzı ve oyunculuğuna da hayran kaldım,Brittany gencecik cok yetenekli.Eğer izlemediyseniz tavsiye ederim kendinizden birseyler bulabileceğiniz harika bir film.
images via tumblr

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